Learn How To Kill Bed Bugs - A Few Things You Should Know First!

How To Kill Bed Bugs

Baby Sealy Mattress

Your day isn't that good. You had a horrifying nightmare the night before. You peed in your bed. You're already late on your appointment.

Baby Sealy Mattress

What an awful morning! This could be you though. Then, your right arm starts to get itchy. You hunt for the spot and relieved yourself by scratching.

The next minute, your left knee itches, then there's another spot in your navel, your right elbow, your back, your butt. Oh my God! Your whole body is itching!

What a horrible position that could be! If you've experienced that, you probably have bed bugs in your bed or in your room.

As bed bugs cause you too much trouble and discomfort, you'll surely be eager to ascertain how to kill bed bugs.

Killing bed bugs: knowing the aim

First, you may not want to act impulsively and kill bed bugs right away. You have to know a few little facts about them.

For a start, it will do that you know that bed bugs are lice (what else could they be, anyway?). Bed bugs are tiny little lice but when they fully mature, healthy and aging bed bugs can get as large as one fourth of an inch. Makes you want to kill them more, huh?

Bed bugs are so tiny, they don't have wings. Thus, you'll see them, if you get the lucky chance, crawling on places where they may flourish. Thankfully, they don't have wings. Otherwise, think how rapidly they could encroach upon the whole city. You'll also find it more difficult to kill them, if ever they had wings.

Here are some of other trivial facts about bed bugs that will further arouse your emotions and make you want to kill them more:

1. Bed bugs are one of the most relentless insects in the world. Even if you've successfully killed or annihilated them in your home, chances are, another flock of bed bugs will reappear.

2. Bed bugs don't just hide in small and extremely tiny crevices or cracks in floors, walls, beds or furniture. They sleep in them. If you're too possessive, kill them, will you?

3. Bed bugs are nocturnal. That means that they're rarely seen during daylight, but they can be found creeping and wandering around at night. This is the time they hunt for food and suck blood from unsuspecting hosts or victims, like you. Kill them!

4. Bed bugs even without blood from nourishment can hold out and survive for at the most a year. They can hide inside that long period to ensure their survival.

5. Bed bugs are good travellers because they usually thrive in baggage, suitcases or luggage. Thus, it is not inconceivable that a bed bug check will find the existence of bed bugs in cruise ships, vehicles, aircraft, hotels and even motels.

6. Throughout their entire lifetime, female bed bugs can lay eggs three times. A female bed bug can lay around 300 eggs per batch. So they populate quickly, huh? Try to bring down that population by killing some.

7. Bed bugs' eggs can be hatched inside 10 days. Amazing! That's too fast. No question, they spread like bunnies! They multiply that rapidly, but the number reduced from their population is no match. Thus, you should strive and make sure you kill a substantial number of them.

How To Kill Bed Bugs: Doing The Action

After acknowledging the little know-whats, it will be time for you to finally start the mission---killing bed bugs.

Nobody will say the task of killing bed bugs will be easy. Killing bed bugs will always be challenging, because finding them and ascertaining their habitat and hiding bases will already be a tough act.

The best way to kill bed bugs is to prevent your hands from doing the crime. Hire a pest control professional, which can be regarded as bed bugs assassins or triggermen in the lingo of killing bed bugs.

Pest control professionals know what they're doing and they know which weapon to use to ensure accomplishment of the job.

Thou shall not kill, according to the Bible, but you should. If killing means, killing bed bugs. Right?

Learn How To Kill Bed Bugs - A Few Things You Should Know First!
Baby Sealy Mattress

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