Halloween: Places to Be, and Places to Avoid

This year for Halloween may be a little different for you. Perhaps this is the first year your child is old enough to be out for the holiday, or perhaps you've decided to shake things up a little and now you just need to decide what to do differently. Things have certainly changed quite a bit from when you were the kid going out on the town to trick-or-treat. Now there is much more awareness about the dangers of going out to people's homes as once was the custom. So it should come as no surprise that you are going to be looking in very different directions for places to go with your kids this Halloween.

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If, for this Halloween, you've decided to go with your kids, you can consider a little trick-or-treating through neighborhoods. Make sure they are well-lit areas with which you are familiar. It's even better if you can group together with a friend's kids. The more of you there are, the more fun it should be, and the safer too. It is very important that you avoid areas of town where the lights are not bright enough. Look also for clues such as very few people out on the road, especially if you see no kids. Those areas won't be fun anyway, so stay away.

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Parties are fun to take your children to. There are a lot of options for this. Take your kids to a party at a friend's house, or at the community or civic center in your area. These are great options and are very safe. The more people who bring their kids to the party, the more likely it is that there will be law enforcement nearby to ensure everyone has a safe and happy Halloween. Another fun option for you to consider is a hay ride. Kids absolutely love these, and they are commonly part of a much bigger event.

Locations where you can call to find out what's going on are numerous. Often, your child's school will probably have good information on where the fun will be. Fire departments in some communities host events for Halloween. So do police departments. Call these, and even call the local Chamber of Commerce. These are all excellent community resources that will lead you in the direction of good, safe fun for your children. The one thing you don't want to do is send them to a place where you know nothing about the hosts. Trust is not something you should toss out on this holiday.

Regardless of where you and your children spend this Halloween, the one thing that is at the front of your mind, even more important than fun, is safety. That's why costumes should be bright, attractive, and noticeable. Make sure that your child's costume is going to make him or her easy to locate. One good idea for a girl is a fairy costume. With a bright, colorful fairy dress and brilliant butterfly fairy wings, your daughter will be easy to find in any crowd. Take a look and you'll agree that these are the costumes your child will appreciate for their appearance, and you can appreciate for reasons even more important.

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Halloween: Places to Be, and Places to Avoid
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